Saturday, November 01, 2008

wow, two months? really?

I know I hadn't blogged in a while, but I cannot fathom that it has been two months. There is entirely too much to even begin to do a catch up, but I'll hit you with the highlights.

* there has been much knitting
* Beastie is happy in his new classroom
* there has been spinning
* I am going to be working at stitches next weekend
* medium played varsity golf
* my PT Cruiser is up for sale
* Penn State is undefeated
* Red Lion beat Dallastown
* My nephew was born (happy, healthy & gorgeous)
* medium got his driver's license
* Beastie has adjusted well to his meds and we are seeing improvements
* I started getting allergy shots weekly
* I still plurk constantly
* I started a garden at Molehill Empire
* I went to the Big City Reunion
* medium got a bass guitar
* sparky still works too much, but it has gotten a little better
* I am seriously committed to buying a house on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico when we retire
* I have read the entire "twilight" saga, save for "breaking dawn" which I am 2/3 finished
* I'm not sure if I'm going to my 20th high school reunion or not

Okay, that's all I can think of at the moment. Right now I've got either a seriously bad 3 day long allergy attack or a cold, I'm not sure which, but either way, I'm off to bed soon. I've missed you, blog land -- pics with the next post.

1 comment:

Shell said...

Thanks for the update, Glad to see you have been busy!