But then there are those people who I can't even begin to fathom what they have to deal with on a day to day basis. Those that whenever I feel sorry for myself I say, "Hey, at least it's as bad as ___________" Today, I want to introduce you to one of those amazing warrior moms who I fill in the blank with. Kim Stagliano has not one, not two, but THREE kids with autism. And three girls to boot. Normally when someone tells me they have three daughters, me, mother of 3 sons, jokingly says, "I'm so sorry." But can you imagine? Three sets of raging girl hormones. And autism to boot. Good Lord!
Kim has shared her journey in a fantastic new book, All I Can Handle: I'm No Mother Teresa (A Life Raising Three Daughters With Autism)
If you are an autism parent like me, a parent of 3 kids (also like me), someone who is dealing with job insecurities and relocations (yup, we are three for three) or just someone who enjoys a slice of life look at a life less typical, you are sure to enjoy All I Can Handle.
I just realized I keep calling Ms. Stagliano by her first name, Kim, but that's because after reading her book, her blog, her website and being facebook friends for the last few months I feel as if I know her. Not only do I know her, but I like her too. And apparently she likes me a bit as well. Why? Because she gave me a copy of her book to give away to one of you!
Just leave a comment to this post, be sure to give me a way to get in touch with you, and on November 13th (Sparky's 40th birthday!) I will announce a winner. No special requirements, but I would love it if you would hit up one of Kim's sites and give her some love. Because she is no Mother Teresa, but she is a fellow autism mom and we could all use a little more love in our lives.
I agree 10000%! Kim is an amazing warrior mom and whenever I'm having a particularly challenging day with my 6 y/o son (diagnosed 4 years ago w/autism & verbal apraxia) I stop and think of her and what her day must be like. She manages to face her life with such an amazing attitude and I hope to achieve her level of perspective one day. Sooner than later I'm hoping!!!
Her book is at the top of my Christmas wish list, but it would be fantastic to win a copy!
I can be reached @ lori80s@hotmail.com.
Thanks (btw? great blog!)
Hi my name is kare Harker(kharker2@yahoo.com) I have been seeing alot of post on FB about this book...cant wait to read it:) I have an 8yr old who was diagnosed with severe autism,,,and all the "other stuff" that goes along with that diagnosis!!! I no longer take my son to those so called specialist because they all say the same thing...my son will never be typical or do things typical kids do:( while my son is mostly non verbal he CAN do some of those things the specialist said he would never do!!!! Our kids need lots of love and patients to achieve the unachievable!!!!!!
I am a fellow autism mom - I have 2 boys diagnosed on the spectrum. I've heard lots about this book, and am also a friend of Kim's on FB. She seems like such a great gal. Like you, I never seem to have time to read all of the fabulous books out there. It's not like I'm busy or anything...! However, knowing the sense of humor Kim has, and a bit about her situation, I would definitely make the time to read this book. I have a feeling it will be a refreshing read. Most of all, I would LOVE to make it available to all of the families I serve in my parent support group. I run a lending library through my group and it would be shared widely! Glad I found your blog! :-) I can be reached at specialfamiliespc@gmail.com.
Angela Fish
I'm also an autism mom! I have 3 kiddos and my oldest, a boy, is 7 and has autism. I'm lucky that I have family that understands in a way that a lot of people don't. My youngest brother is 20 years younger than I am (he's 11) and he has Asperger's. Mom and I talk A LOT and spend lots of time laughing about some of the hilarious things that happen and crying about the really not fun sides of having a kid on the spectrum.
My youngest is 6.5 months and I will totally admit to watching him like a hawk for any signs of autism just like I did with my 3 year old daughter. Anything that I see that is remotely similar to what the big boy did I start to worry. My husband has been very patient and reminded me yesterday that the majority of babies start out with the army crawl before they learn to crawl on all fours. Just because the big boy only army crawled and now the little boy is starting to army crawl is not a sign.
He also had to remind me to pull my shirt down before answering the door but that's just because I'm tired, forgetful and nursing. ;)
Brianne Keene
I am a mother warrior of 4, and really need a laugh. Seriously. I hope Kim makes it through Atlanta on a book tour, I was lucky enough to see Dr. Sears (Sept) and Dan and Mark/Andrew Wakefield halloween weekend on their book tour so maybe I'm spoiled by TACA!
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