Then, just five days after the walk I had a hysterectomy. I know, unexpected, right? Well, I'd had some inklings for awhile that something was wrong with my "girl parts" but I didn't realize how bad it was till everything was removed & examined. I won't go into gory detail, but let's just suffice it to say that only 3 weeks post-op and I am already feeling significantly better.
In there we also had Knitter's Day Out, where I taught two classes (fantastic experience!), the Big Sock came to Uncommon Threads, Beastie lost THREE teeth, Medium child got a new car (a Honda Civic), Homecoming came & went, we finally sold the Excursion an

I'm finally feeling like myself again and more regular blog postings should be happening from here on out again. Meanwhile, here are a few pretties to keep you guessing...

I stumbled on in here from the CLF group over at Ravelry.
I've given your website/blog a "thumbs up" on, so that other folks can find, read, and enjoy reading your website/blog!
Peace and Fleece
PS: Good luck and continued good health vibes to you!
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