Life updates...
Beastie's test results all came back negative. Which is of course, to mean that we should be happy. Hooray -- there's nothing wrong! Wait, if there is nothing wrong then why does he have wet, sloppy, slimy poops four or 5 times a day? (hey, don't go getting grossed out -- I'm the one who has to change them!) He is on two new meds. Next appt in 4 months.
My boss got home from TNNA in Long Beach. We (me and my cohort, the "Rock Star Dyer" Tasha) bombarded her with new design ideas, new marketing ideas, new color ideas, new yarn ideas, etc. Scary what the mice come up with when the cat is away. Lucky for us, she loved them all. Phewww! I get to keep the best job in the world!
The knitting & crocheting has been chaotic at best. I've mostly been swatching and sampling for designs for work. In my spare time I'm working on leftover holiday gifts. I still owe Aaron socks (Beastie's one-on-one Monday - Friday); I still own Nate, my spare son, a pair of fingerless mitts; I still owe Kera, Medium Child's GF, a pair of socks. Some of these are in progress. Some of them are in thought.
And of course, the ten shawls for 2010. Yes, that's me, the queen of over-commitment.
My heart breaks for the Haitian people. We briefly visited Haiti once and it was an absolutely beautiful country, but so insanely poor that it was almost painful, and that was before the earthquake. I pray that there is some bright side to this tragedy.
Speaking of praying, I've been doing a lot of that lately, considering how completely lacking I usually am in all things religion. Grams has been sick. For those who know me, grams is really my best friend. She and I have a mother-daughter relationship. Anyway, she is 86 and is having platelet issues. And they found a tumor on her liver. She had a biopsy today, but they had to give her two transfusions just to do the biopsy. So yeah, lots of praying.
Maybe I'll make my grams a prayer shawl. Because, ya know, I need an excuse to cast on one more project.
Beastie is off school for the next FOUR days. Ugh. That means lots of time spent on my laptop knitting or crocheting or designing while he putters around the living room and watches TV. Cross fingers that I might actually get a few things completed in the next few days!